Top 25+ Similes for Tired: With Meaning and Examples

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Sometimes words alone don’t fully capture how we feel. That’s where similes come in!

A simile compares two things using the words “like” or “as” to create vivid imagery, making it easier to understand emotions and states of being.

When you’re feeling exhausted, and tired similes help bring that experience to life.

In this article, we will explore 25 similes for tired, offering clear meanings and examples in both prose and poetry to give you a deeper understanding. Let’s get started!

Examples of Similes for Tired

1. Tired as a Worn-Out Shoe

Meaning: Very tired, much like an old, worn-out shoe that has been through a lot.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After a long day of meetings, I felt as tired as a worn-out shoe, with my energy drained completely.
    • Casual: I’m feeling as tired as a worn-out shoe after the hike we just did!
    • Example in Poetry:
      Like a shoe that’s lost its step,
      With no strength left to tread,
      I lie down, weary and bent,
      My body aching, tired as death.

2. Tired as a Dog After a Long Walk

Meaning: Extremely tired, as if you’ve exerted yourself greatly.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: The athletes were as tired as a dog after a long walk, their muscles sore and bodies ready for rest.
    • Casual: After running around all day, I feel as tired as a dog after a long walk.
    • Example in Poetry:
      A dog lies down with drooping eyes,
      After chasing under sunlit skies.
      My soul too, is just as worn,
      As the faithful dog, tired and torn.

3. Tired as a Bear Preparing for Winter

Meaning: Feeling heavy with exhaustion, like a bear ready to hibernate.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After weeks of intensive research, he was as tired as a bear preparing for winter, needing rest to recover.
    • Casual: After the long week, I feel as tired as a bear preparing for winter, I just want to sleep!
    • Example in Poetry:
      The bear curls tight, to sleep and dream,
      Of winter cold, of frosty gleam.
      So too, my body yearns for rest,
      As the weary bear, in sleep is blessed.

4. Tired as a Plant Without Water

Meaning: Feeling drained, as if you’re withering from lack of energy or care.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After the long conference, she felt as tired as a plant without water, her energy slowly fading.
    • Casual: I feel like a plant without water—completely drained and desperate for rest.
    • Example in Poetry:
      A plant so weak, its leaves now dry,
      Yearns for the rain, the cool sky’s cry.
      I too feel empty, drained inside,
      Like a plant where no rain can abide.

5. Tired as a Broken Record

Meaning: Extremely repetitive and exhausting, much like a record stuck on the same track.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After repeating the same task all day, his mind was as tired as a broken record, unable to focus on anything new.
    • Casual: My brain is as tired as a broken record, I’ve been doing the same thing for hours!
    • Example in Poetry:
      Round and round, the needle spins,
      A broken record, no new wins.
      So too, my mind is stuck in place,
      In endless loops, with no escape.

6. Tired as a Candle Burning at Both Ends

Meaning: Completely exhausted from overworking or staying up late, much like a candle that’s burned through both ends.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: She had been working overtime for days, and by the end of the week, she felt as tired as a candle burning at both ends.
    • Casual: I’m feeling as tired as a candle burning at both ends after studying all night!
    • Example in Poetry:
      The candle flickers, wax runs low,
      Its light fades fast, a dying glow.
      So too, my energy wanes away,
      As I burn the night and wear the day.

7. Tired as a Sloth in Winter

Meaning: Extremely slow-moving and lazy, as if the body doesn’t have the strength to move.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After the grueling workout, I felt as tired as a sloth in winter, every movement taking all my effort.
    • Casual: I feel as tired as a sloth in winter; I can barely keep my eyes open.
    • Example in Poetry:
      Slow as sloth, in winter’s grip,
      Lazily I let my body slip.
      No energy to rise or roam,
      The world feels far, my bed, my home.

Similes for Tired in Poetry

8. Tired as a Rain-soaked Road

Meaning: Drained and worn out, like a road that’s been battered by the rain and left slick and weary.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After a long week of deadlines, I felt as tired as a rain-soaked road, with no strength left to continue.
    • Casual: I’m feeling as tired as a rain-soaked road like everything is just too much to handle.
    • Example in Poetry:
      The rain falls hard, the road does weep,
      A weary path, where shadows sleep.
      So too, my mind, in tiredness sinks,
      A rain-soaked road, lost in its links.

9. Tired as a Fish Out of Water

Meaning: Exhausted and out of place, like a fish struggling to breathe on land.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After the flight, she felt as tired as a fish out of water, disoriented and completely drained.
    • Casual: I feel as tired as a fish out of water—just out of energy and out of sync.
    • Example in Poetry:
      Out of the deep, the fish now gasps,
      For air, it seeks its tired body laps.
      I too feel lost, without my grace,
      Like a fish in an unfamiliar place.

10. Tired as a Moonless Night

Meaning: Completely drained of energy, dark and quiet like the night without the moon.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After the exhausting presentation, he felt as tired as a moonless night, with no spark left to give.
    • Casual: I’m as tired as a moonless night—there’s nothing left in me to do anything.
    • Example in Poetry:
      The night is dark, the stars have fled,
      No moon above, just quiet dread.
      So too, my mind, in darkness stirs,
      As tired thoughts, the silence blurs.

11. Tired as a Melting Ice Cube

Meaning: Slowly losing energy and feeling worn down, just like ice melting under heat.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After hours of nonstop work, she was as tired as a melting ice cube, slowly losing her vigor.
    • Casual: I feel as tired as a melting ice cube; I can barely keep my eyes open.
    • Example in Poetry:
      The ice melts slowly, its form declines,
      A dribble of water, as tired as time.
      So too my strength begins to fade,
      As exhaustion’s grip holds me, unafraid.

12. Tired as a Weary Traveler

Meaning: Feeling completely worn out, as if you’ve been on a long journey without rest.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After a day of travel and meetings, he was as tired as a weary traveler, longing for a moment of peace.
    • Casual: I feel as tired as a weary traveler after running errands all day!
    • Example in Poetry:
      The traveler’s steps are slow and long,
      Worn by the road, tired and strong.
      So too, my feet and heart are weak,
      Desiring rest, a place to seek.

13. Tired as a Forgotten Book

Meaning: Exhausted and left untouched, like a book gathering dust on a shelf.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: She felt as tired as a forgotten book, collecting dust while waiting for attention that never seemed to come.
    • Casual: After working all week, I feel as tired as a forgotten book—left alone with no energy to do anything.
    • Example in Poetry:
      The pages curl, the cover worn,
      A book forgotten left forlorn.
      My body too, in sleep does lay,
      Tired and waiting for a brand-new day.

14. Tired as an Old Tree in Winter

Meaning: Deeply tired, with branches bare, like a tree in winter that has been through many seasons.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: The elderly woman felt as tired as an old tree in winter, her energy worn thin after a lifetime of caring for others.
    • Casual: I feel as tired as an old tree in winter. I’ve been going nonstop all week.
    • Example in Poetry:
      The tree stands bare, its roots run deep,
      In winter’s cold, it cannot keep.
      So too, my limbs are frail and worn,
      Tired, I rest, my strength reborn.

15. Tired as a Forgotten Toy

Meaning: Feeling neglected and exhausted, much like a toy that’s been put away and forgotten about.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: By the end of the week, she was as tired as a forgotten toy, her energy depleted from working tirelessly without a break.
    • Casual: I’m as tired as a forgotten toy, sitting unused and out of energy.
    • Example in Poetry:
      The toy lies still, its purpose done,
      Forgotten in the light of sun.
      So too, I rest with quiet grace,
      My tired mind in peaceful space.

16. Tired as a Fading Star

Meaning: Exhausted to the point of disappearing or losing strength, like a star that’s slowly fading from the sky.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: By the end of the conference, his focus was as tired as a fading star, struggling to shine through the haze of exhaustion.
    • Casual: I feel as tired as a fading star. I don’t even have the energy to think straight anymore.
    • Example in Poetry:
      The star once bright begins to wane,
      It’s light diminished by the strain.
      So too, my strength begins to fade,
      Tired and worn, a quiet shade.

Common Similes for Tired

17. Tired as a Late-Night Owl

Meaning: Exhausted after being awake for too long, like an owl that stays up all night.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After working late into the night, I was as tired as a late-night owl, struggling to keep my eyes open in the morning.
    • Casual: I’m as tired as a late-night owl after that movie marathon last night!
    • Example in Poetry:
      The owl in silence, eyes half-closed,
      From hours spent in dark repose.
      So too, I long for peaceful sleep,
      As my body, in tiredness, weeps.

18. Tired as a Horse After a Long Ride

Meaning: Feeling exhausted after a hard and long task, like a horse after a journey.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: She was as tired as a horse after a long ride, her muscles aching from the long hours of work.
    • Casual: I’m as tired as a horse after a long ride; I feel like I could collapse!
    • Example in Poetry:
      The horse, with hooves that softly thud,
      Is tired after the race through mud.
      I too, feel weary in my bones,
      A journey long, through life’s unknowns.

19. Tired as a Broken Clock

Meaning: Drained and inactive, much like a clock that has stopped working.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: He felt as tired as a broken clock, unable to focus or think clearly after a day of continuous work.
    • Casual: I’m feeling as tired as a broken clock. I can’t seem to get anything done!
    • Example in Poetry:
      The clock stands still, its hands unmoved,
      Its ticking lost, its rhythm soothed.
      I too, am still, with no more sound,
      Tired and waiting, worn and bound.

20. Tired as a Cold Wind

Meaning: Feeling drained and weak, like a cold wind that blows with little warmth.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After the exhausting meeting, she was as tired as a cold wind, with every breath feeling like a struggle.
    • Casual: I’m as tired as a cold wind, blowing through me and leaving me shivering with exhaustion.
    • Example in Poetry:
      The wind blows sharp, without a sound,
      A biting chill upon the ground.
      So too, my soul, it shivers cold,
      With tiredness that cannot be told.

Similes to Describe Tiredness

21. Tired as an Empty Gas Tank

Meaning: Feeling completely drained, like a car that has run out of fuel.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After the long project, I was as tired as an empty gas tank, completely out of energy and unable to continue.
    • Casual: I’m as tired as an empty gas tank. I’m just running on fumes right now.
    • Example in Poetry:
      The tank runs dry, the engine still,
      No power left, no strength, no will.
      So too, my body lacks the spark,
      A journey halted, lost in the dark.

22. Tired as a Still Lake

Meaning: Calm but deeply exhausted, like a lake that’s lost its ripples after the storm.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: She felt as tired as a still lake, calm and quiet on the surface but utterly drained beneath.
    • Casual: I’m as tired as a still lake—just quiet, unmoving, and completely exhausted.
    • Example in Poetry:
      The lake is still, its waters calm,
      No ripples break the peaceful balm.
      So too, I rest, my soul at peace,
      Tired, yet yearning for release.

23. Tired as a Windless Day

Meaning: Feeling completely still and lifeless, like a day without wind or movement.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After the intense workout, I felt as tired as a windless day, motionless and devoid of energy.
    • Casual: I’m as tired as a windless day. There’s nothing left in me to give.
    • Example in Poetry:
      No breeze to stir the leaves or trees,
      The day is calm, the air does freeze.
      So too, my body lays to rest,
      Tired and longing for the best.

24. Tired as a Heavy Blanket

Meaning: Feeling weighed down, like a heavy blanket that is hard to lift or escape from.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: After the week of stress, she was as tired as a heavy blanket, unable to shake off the burden of exhaustion.
    • Casual: I’m as tired as a heavy blanket, just lying here, too tired to move.
    • Example in Poetry:
      The blanket weighs, its fabric thick,
      A heavy load, with no quick fix.
      So too, my body aches to rise,
      Tired beneath these darkened skies.

25. Tired as a Cloud Before the Storm

Meaning: Exhausted and full of tension, like a cloud about to burst with rain.

  • Example in Prose:
    • Formal: She was as tired as a cloud before the storm, brimming with exhaustion and ready to collapse.
    • Casual: I feel as tired as a cloud before the storm—like I’m about to just fall apart.
    • Example in Poetry:
      The cloud is heavy, dark, and near,
      Its weight does press, its thunder clear.
      So too, I stand with the burdened mind,
      Tired and restless, I unwind.


Similes for tiredness help us express exhaustion in a vivid and relatable way. If someone is “tired as a worn-out shoe” or “drained like a battery at zero percent,” these comparisons make fatigue more tangible.

They add depth to the writing, making descriptions of weariness more engaging and impactful. By using these similes, you can bring life to your storytelling, conversations, or creative work.

So the next time you’re feeling exhausted, let a simile do the talking and paint a clear picture of your fatigue!

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